Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Aspen Estate Merlot 2008

Wine: Aspen Estate
Type: Merlot
Year: 2008
Price: $5.70
Date: 9/05/2009
Reason for purchase: I was poor

Review: Nice mellow wine, as you would expect from Merlot. Easy starter with no real explosion of flavour and quickly fizzles out.

Nice easy drinker, but lacks any great flavour.

Perhaps keep a bottle handy in the pantry for when the non-wine drinkers arrive. It's subtle taste shouldn't offend their lack of vino taste buds.

Rating: 6/10 -DF-


  1. Don't forget to include the size of the bottle and the alcohol content so the goon index can be properly calculated.

  2. The goon index is really only relevant to beers I would have thought. Wines are usually very similar.
